Apr 4, 05:02 PM
I stand corrected.
I find myself standing that way a lot! :)
I find myself standing that way a lot! :)
Mac Fly (film)
Oct 12, 02:55 PM
Bono, whilst playing a gig in Glasgow, got the whole crowd to be silent and then began slowly clapping his hands. He got the crowd to clap along for a while, the stadium quiet except for the rhythmic clapping...
After a short period Bono spoke, saying that everytime he clapped his hands a child in Africa died...
Suddenly, from the front row of the venue a voice broke out in thick Scottish brogue, ending the silence as it echoed across the crowd, the voice cried out to Bono "Well stop f***king doing it then!!"
True story.
Red glossy 1G nano - blergh, red anodised 2G nano - could be cool.
Great story too!!
After a short period Bono spoke, saying that everytime he clapped his hands a child in Africa died...
Suddenly, from the front row of the venue a voice broke out in thick Scottish brogue, ending the silence as it echoed across the crowd, the voice cried out to Bono "Well stop f***king doing it then!!"
True story.
Red glossy 1G nano - blergh, red anodised 2G nano - could be cool.
Great story too!!
Aug 23, 05:47 PM
This is not the first time Apple has licensed someone else's technology. When the online Apple Store opened, they were the first to license Amazon's One-Click technology. May be Apple just wanted this headache over. May be Apple also figured if they settle now, may be Creative could use this precedence to sue Microsoft and other competitors over their UI and make them pay for licenses too.
Apr 4, 11:49 AM
Head Shot. Well done. :apple:
Apr 25, 01:40 PM
Hilarious to all those people who jumped on the THUNDERBOLT bandwagon. No thunderbolt devices yet and they have the hideous old case design.
Maybe people bought a computer because they needed it? And the case is far from ugly, give me a break. I want to say more but I am going to hold my tongue.
Maybe people bought a computer because they needed it? And the case is far from ugly, give me a break. I want to say more but I am going to hold my tongue.
Sep 12, 02:32 PM
Updated my 5G iPod to 1.2, loaded Quadrophenia, and yes, there is FINALLY gapless. :D
Apr 25, 06:52 AM
I really am completely appalled at the OP's attitude here. I've not read all of the posts in this thread but I haven't yet seen one single person agree with him, and he continues to be so arrogant as to think he's in the right?
People like you, Don, completely sicken me. I wasn't surprised that you were driving an M5, although that's probably stereotypical of me. Your parents are a disgrace, and your uncle too. In fact your whole family is a hideous representation of the worst side of the human race. You should not be driving an M5 aged 16. If only the US laws were more like over here in the UK, you wouldn't even have started learning to drive yet, and even then learners are not allowed to drive anything that has a 2 litre engine or more.
Somehow, I don't think you're going to grow up anytime soon. I hope, someday soon, you get taught the lesson you deserve. If I had the chance I'd be first in line.
People like you, Don, completely sicken me. I wasn't surprised that you were driving an M5, although that's probably stereotypical of me. Your parents are a disgrace, and your uncle too. In fact your whole family is a hideous representation of the worst side of the human race. You should not be driving an M5 aged 16. If only the US laws were more like over here in the UK, you wouldn't even have started learning to drive yet, and even then learners are not allowed to drive anything that has a 2 litre engine or more.
Somehow, I don't think you're going to grow up anytime soon. I hope, someday soon, you get taught the lesson you deserve. If I had the chance I'd be first in line.
Apr 18, 12:50 AM
why would I want to pay someone $17 an hour to a job a monkey is almost qualified to do? Sounds like an opportunity to hire less people, or jack my prices up. A job is worth simply what a job is worth. Period. If I'm trying to offer services at competitive prices, and someone is willing to bag groceries for $3 an hour, then they should be ALLOWED to. Rather than me just choose to hire nobody and using automated checkouts.
Yeah man, one of my biggest incentives to put my money on the line and open a small business is that I have the opportunity to pay someone to not work for a year.
So, needless to say, you don't support any type of workers' rights, correct? Basically, if someone wants to work, they better damn well be willing to work for the lowest possible dollar in your opinion. I mean, let's not worry about things like being able to pay rents or insurance, or even for transportation to and from work. Screw them, they are under your watch now.
And what YOU think a job is worth is not what everyone thinks a job is worth. I think most people are vastly underpaid for the work they do. And others, like entertainers, sports players, corporate CEOs, and types like that, are VASTLY overpaid. I don't know what world you might live in that acting in a movie or playing a few 3-hour games a year or driving in circles is actually WORTH $20 million or even much more.
So let's flip this the other way. Should an employer be able to change compensation at will? Let's say you have 10 employees working at $30 a day scooping scum out of sewers (in your fantasy $3 an hour type world). You want to get more work done, so you decide to require all workers to now work for 18 hours a day, 7 days a week without any extra compensation or be fired. Should that also be allowed? You know, free will and free market and all? Those pansies who wont accept such a deal can just go find something else?
And as for your maternity leave's just one part of having some sort of benefit that makes you have happy, productive workers. Now, I know that you believe that all workers should just be productive and follow orders and meet the goals without any sort of recognition or reward other than a measly paycheck, but how about as an employer you put a little up there, too, and treat your workers as fellow human beings with a few benefits, and not the punching bags that you seem to think they are.
For example...the company I work for has been cutting every possible "thank you" that we used to get. Full nights out at steak restaurants with open bar and all expenses paid, as a thank you for the weeks of hard work doing installs, have turned into "We'll take you to a Fridays and buy the first round" even though they are still doing very well. As every benefit has gone away, our desire to go that extra mile has gone with them. This past work period, the client took us out for numerous barbecues, group outings at local pubs, visits to local attractions, etc. Guess what? We went all out to return the love.
What happens then? More people find jobs, and prices go down. $3 dollars suddenly buys you a subway sandwich. # of consumers goes up bc more people are employed, which brings in more revenue, causes more hiring etc.
Also, people who do want to make $10 bucks an hour are forced to either be productive or learn something useful, which is good for everyone, plus that $10 is worth more now bc of deflation. Deflation would also drive interest rates on loans down bc the money you pay back is worth more.
All ideology. It's a nice thought, but it would never happen. With wages that low, these people wouldn't be able to afford anything. Your $3 an hour wage, working 40 hours a week would net less than $500 a month BEFORE any taxes. And with so many people making so little, they wouldn't be paying tax anyway probably, so all the various tax issues would not be solved.
And if you REALLY think that cost of everything across the board would fall drastically solely because of smaller wages on low-level jobs, you are delusional. Do you think transportation costs would drop drastically, rent would drop drastically, land costs would drop drastically, corporate wages would drop drastically? Just paying low-level workers less would solve all the country's problems? Really?
Best case scenario, taxes are low at this point, and the government isn't a handout machine, so people feel the need to donate to an EFFICIENT charity. Rather than to the government, which is the most inefficient entity on the planet.
Taxes are now the lowest they have almost EVER been, so those clearly aren't the problem. And with people making pretty much no money, I don't think it would solve your handout woes. And there is no private charity out there that has the reach and availability of the government, whether you like to believe that or not.
Overall result: More buying power, lower unemployment, more substantial and efficient charity, more innovation.
So using this chart...
...answer this please: if taxes are the lowest they've been almost ever, worker pay hasn't increased much at all in 15-20 years, then why are corporate profits way up, and CEO pay ridiculously increased over the same period??
It would seem to me that it isn't taxes and worker pay that have caused the problem. It's putting the money in the wrong place. Instead of paying the CEO $20 million a year, you could pay him/her $18 million a year, and hire 66 new employees at $30,000 a year. The CEO would never notice that difference (no, they wouldn't), and 66 new people could afford to live comfortably, eat, and BUY STUFF IN THE ECONOMY.
How about instead of trying to cut standard wages down to unlivable numbers, we cut down ludicrous wages to just ridiculous wages. THAT is where our problem is. The majority of the money is going to owners, shareholders, and profits and not to workers. The workers are not the problem here....greed is the problem.
sydde: What is this supposed to show? That US corporations are more profitable? Is that a good thing? For whom?
bassfinger: Stock owners in these companies. Which are made up of middle class citizens
Oh my god...this is the most laughable statement of all....
The bottom 90% owns 2% of financial securities, 19% of stock and mutual funds, and 21% of trusts. The top 10% (ie VERY LITTLE of the the middle class) owns the vast majority of it. The middle class benefits very little from massive profits of business in this sense. Give up that notion.
Face it...your ideas are crap.
Yeah man, one of my biggest incentives to put my money on the line and open a small business is that I have the opportunity to pay someone to not work for a year.
So, needless to say, you don't support any type of workers' rights, correct? Basically, if someone wants to work, they better damn well be willing to work for the lowest possible dollar in your opinion. I mean, let's not worry about things like being able to pay rents or insurance, or even for transportation to and from work. Screw them, they are under your watch now.
And what YOU think a job is worth is not what everyone thinks a job is worth. I think most people are vastly underpaid for the work they do. And others, like entertainers, sports players, corporate CEOs, and types like that, are VASTLY overpaid. I don't know what world you might live in that acting in a movie or playing a few 3-hour games a year or driving in circles is actually WORTH $20 million or even much more.
So let's flip this the other way. Should an employer be able to change compensation at will? Let's say you have 10 employees working at $30 a day scooping scum out of sewers (in your fantasy $3 an hour type world). You want to get more work done, so you decide to require all workers to now work for 18 hours a day, 7 days a week without any extra compensation or be fired. Should that also be allowed? You know, free will and free market and all? Those pansies who wont accept such a deal can just go find something else?
And as for your maternity leave's just one part of having some sort of benefit that makes you have happy, productive workers. Now, I know that you believe that all workers should just be productive and follow orders and meet the goals without any sort of recognition or reward other than a measly paycheck, but how about as an employer you put a little up there, too, and treat your workers as fellow human beings with a few benefits, and not the punching bags that you seem to think they are.
For example...the company I work for has been cutting every possible "thank you" that we used to get. Full nights out at steak restaurants with open bar and all expenses paid, as a thank you for the weeks of hard work doing installs, have turned into "We'll take you to a Fridays and buy the first round" even though they are still doing very well. As every benefit has gone away, our desire to go that extra mile has gone with them. This past work period, the client took us out for numerous barbecues, group outings at local pubs, visits to local attractions, etc. Guess what? We went all out to return the love.
What happens then? More people find jobs, and prices go down. $3 dollars suddenly buys you a subway sandwich. # of consumers goes up bc more people are employed, which brings in more revenue, causes more hiring etc.
Also, people who do want to make $10 bucks an hour are forced to either be productive or learn something useful, which is good for everyone, plus that $10 is worth more now bc of deflation. Deflation would also drive interest rates on loans down bc the money you pay back is worth more.
All ideology. It's a nice thought, but it would never happen. With wages that low, these people wouldn't be able to afford anything. Your $3 an hour wage, working 40 hours a week would net less than $500 a month BEFORE any taxes. And with so many people making so little, they wouldn't be paying tax anyway probably, so all the various tax issues would not be solved.
And if you REALLY think that cost of everything across the board would fall drastically solely because of smaller wages on low-level jobs, you are delusional. Do you think transportation costs would drop drastically, rent would drop drastically, land costs would drop drastically, corporate wages would drop drastically? Just paying low-level workers less would solve all the country's problems? Really?
Best case scenario, taxes are low at this point, and the government isn't a handout machine, so people feel the need to donate to an EFFICIENT charity. Rather than to the government, which is the most inefficient entity on the planet.
Taxes are now the lowest they have almost EVER been, so those clearly aren't the problem. And with people making pretty much no money, I don't think it would solve your handout woes. And there is no private charity out there that has the reach and availability of the government, whether you like to believe that or not.
Overall result: More buying power, lower unemployment, more substantial and efficient charity, more innovation.
So using this chart...
...answer this please: if taxes are the lowest they've been almost ever, worker pay hasn't increased much at all in 15-20 years, then why are corporate profits way up, and CEO pay ridiculously increased over the same period??
It would seem to me that it isn't taxes and worker pay that have caused the problem. It's putting the money in the wrong place. Instead of paying the CEO $20 million a year, you could pay him/her $18 million a year, and hire 66 new employees at $30,000 a year. The CEO would never notice that difference (no, they wouldn't), and 66 new people could afford to live comfortably, eat, and BUY STUFF IN THE ECONOMY.
How about instead of trying to cut standard wages down to unlivable numbers, we cut down ludicrous wages to just ridiculous wages. THAT is where our problem is. The majority of the money is going to owners, shareholders, and profits and not to workers. The workers are not the problem here....greed is the problem.
sydde: What is this supposed to show? That US corporations are more profitable? Is that a good thing? For whom?
bassfinger: Stock owners in these companies. Which are made up of middle class citizens
Oh my god...this is the most laughable statement of all....
The bottom 90% owns 2% of financial securities, 19% of stock and mutual funds, and 21% of trusts. The top 10% (ie VERY LITTLE of the the middle class) owns the vast majority of it. The middle class benefits very little from massive profits of business in this sense. Give up that notion.
Face it...your ideas are crap.
Apr 22, 11:32 PM
seems to me that lots of people complaining about the data on mobile phone issue are overlooking something. When network capacity allowed them to, networks gave unlimited data - then we all got data hungry, killing capacity and forcing limits. At some point soon (probably with 4G) the networks won't have a capacity issue with increased levels. They probably won't go back to true unlimited - they are businesses after all - but we could be looking at broadband rates similar to landline, maybe �15/month for 100GB or so. As and when that kicks in, having a media cloud will be a huge blessing. Until then, wifi users and home users will still benefit.
3G just doesn't have anywhere near the massive capacity 4G can be optimised to give.
3G just doesn't have anywhere near the massive capacity 4G can be optimised to give.
Sep 14, 12:38 AM
sounds like a nice starter level phone/ipod.
but what I and many other people want is a smart phone, for:
Treo/Blackberry like functionality
Camera with decent megapixel, maybe 3 megapixels (settle for 1.3) that moves.
so you can have "isight" built in. also ichatav with video.
Ipod, with 80 gb hard drive.
Video capability, both from itunes, and even with streamed cellular broadband via slingbox or from more
oh well... to dream
but what I and many other people want is a smart phone, for:
Treo/Blackberry like functionality
Camera with decent megapixel, maybe 3 megapixels (settle for 1.3) that moves.
so you can have "isight" built in. also ichatav with video.
Ipod, with 80 gb hard drive.
Video capability, both from itunes, and even with streamed cellular broadband via slingbox or from more
oh well... to dream
Oct 12, 03:18 PM
I assume you're not really equating natural selection and genetic evolution, with cultural factors like education.
Because they're actually not the same thing, nor do they work the same.
For instance, here's an interesting fact: dying is necessary for natural selection to work. Dying is NOT necessary for education to work.
So you see, there's an option that involves less dying and suffering. That's what you may be overlooking in your zeal :)
By your logic, why help anyone, when letting them die will make people "smarter and wiser?" Why, children who get hurt on skateboards and behind the wheel should be turned away from hospitals. We would create a super race worthy of the 3rd Reich :o
(Need I mention that much of mathematics, astronomy, and science came from "rudimentary" and "archaic" African scientists who were far ahead of their European counterparts? I'm guessing whatever you have been reading may have omitted some parts of history :) )
Ah, classic manipulation of an idea. At no point in that post did I say "helping people" is a bad thing, or that it should never be done. Quite the contrary... I actually said:

Posted by Coloring Sheets at

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Royalty-Free Vector Clip Art

These free, printable Easter

Free bunny eat carrot coloring

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Because they're actually not the same thing, nor do they work the same.
For instance, here's an interesting fact: dying is necessary for natural selection to work. Dying is NOT necessary for education to work.
So you see, there's an option that involves less dying and suffering. That's what you may be overlooking in your zeal :)
By your logic, why help anyone, when letting them die will make people "smarter and wiser?" Why, children who get hurt on skateboards and behind the wheel should be turned away from hospitals. We would create a super race worthy of the 3rd Reich :o
(Need I mention that much of mathematics, astronomy, and science came from "rudimentary" and "archaic" African scientists who were far ahead of their European counterparts? I'm guessing whatever you have been reading may have omitted some parts of history :) )
Ah, classic manipulation of an idea. At no point in that post did I say "helping people" is a bad thing, or that it should never be done. Quite the contrary... I actually said:

Aug 31, 11:45 AM
I don't care what it is, just give us something new to talk about. Mac Pro really nice machine but we saw it coming months in advance. Maybe not he exact spec but yeah we all knew it was coming. Same with Merom, Conroe etc... Give us something new, really new. All we have had for what seems like an age is Intel switch this Intel switch that. I don't care what processor they use as long as they are faster than they were before and it's still a Mac. I want nay, need a new product - something so I know that Apple are still innovating. Switching to Intel, no innovation there just good sense.
Stop reading forums and rumor sites, and everything will be news to you..
Stop reading forums and rumor sites, and everything will be news to you..
Sep 14, 10:25 AM
What is it with some of you guys? Does hope spring eternal, or what!
Apple could be at a medical convention to promote the new artificial Apple iHeart and some of you would be jumping up and down screaming: "Yahoo, this means MBP updates".
Funny, I always thought the laptop geeks here start screaming about a month after the laptops are updated, no matter what :D :confused: :eek:
Apple could be at a medical convention to promote the new artificial Apple iHeart and some of you would be jumping up and down screaming: "Yahoo, this means MBP updates".
Funny, I always thought the laptop geeks here start screaming about a month after the laptops are updated, no matter what :D :confused: :eek:
Chupa Chupa
Sep 5, 05:15 AM
Are you insinuating that Apple should put out a gaming system to compete for PS3 dollars, or just the holiday dollars in general and right now the PS3 is the "Hot Ticket" this coming Holiday season?
Just wondering.....:confused:
No, don't be so silly or literal. PS3 dollars are the money people have dedicated to buy the PS3 -- the defacto "big ticket" item this year. Apple needs a product that will compete for that money...and press converage. Everyone and their mother got an iPod last year. Apple needs to pull a fresh product out of Jobs pocket; not a storage bump or new skins for the nano. THAT is what I'm saying.
Just wondering.....:confused:
No, don't be so silly or literal. PS3 dollars are the money people have dedicated to buy the PS3 -- the defacto "big ticket" item this year. Apple needs a product that will compete for that money...and press converage. Everyone and their mother got an iPod last year. Apple needs to pull a fresh product out of Jobs pocket; not a storage bump or new skins for the nano. THAT is what I'm saying.
Apr 25, 10:24 AM
Holy crap. I just finished reading the thread. Please stay off the road. You did this **** in your moms E60 M5 with 500 HP? I know where this story is heading. Soon you will take that car to an abandoned airport with 3 of your friends which then you will flip it and kill you and your friends. Or you will do that 155 MPH in a neighborhood. These two examples are true stories of 16-18 year olds kids with an E60 M5 who shared the exact same attitude as you and did those stunts. Please do not drive, learn to fly, etc until you gain the maturity to handle these machines.
You will respond to my post saying that you will never do what those people did. That you're a safe driver and claim you will never do that. Guess what pal? Those kids also claimed the exact same thing. Now four people are dead and the other is screwed.
You will respond to my post saying that you will never do what those people did. That you're a safe driver and claim you will never do that. Guess what pal? Those kids also claimed the exact same thing. Now four people are dead and the other is screwed.
Apr 28, 03:22 PM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)
$100B past Microsoft in 1 year is tremendous. Go AAPL!
$100B past Microsoft in 1 year is tremendous. Go AAPL!
Sep 1, 11:38 AM
wow. would that be the biggest mainstream desktop around?
I think so, sounds amazing. Makes my 20 seem puny!
I think so, sounds amazing. Makes my 20 seem puny!
Apr 20, 09:47 AM
Will be interesting to see Apple's response to this. I don't necessarily mind the data being collected for things like find my iPhone and forensics but I'd like it to be very well secured.
Mar 23, 05:22 PM
If any of you had ever lost someone or had someone that you loved seriously injured by a drunk driver - you'd want this app pulled.
0 good can come from drunk driving. I don't know anyone (intelligent person) who would say otherwise. Constitutional or not, who in the world would want to encourage a drunk person to get behind the wheel? ..which is exactly what these apps do. I'm sure that there's a percentage of drunk drivers who have ventured out on the roads only because they had the convenience of these apps - when otherwise, they would have gotten a ride or sobered up first.
0 good can come from drunk driving. I don't know anyone (intelligent person) who would say otherwise. Constitutional or not, who in the world would want to encourage a drunk person to get behind the wheel? ..which is exactly what these apps do. I'm sure that there's a percentage of drunk drivers who have ventured out on the roads only because they had the convenience of these apps - when otherwise, they would have gotten a ride or sobered up first.
Sep 4, 08:56 PM
Video, music, pictures, DVD, all sound great, but what i really want is my printer right next to my TV.
Jul 15, 03:48 AM
Does anyone think we should be hitting 4ghz about now?
I mean weve been stuck on 2.x for ages. Whats the deal? A 4ghz quad would be frickin awesome. :confused:
They have given up on speed and are focussing on multiple processors instead. You will see speed increases but not as often. In the next few years you might see dozens of processors all with Quad or Octo cores instead of just dual core today. IMHO, I prefer additional processors over sheer GHZ anyday. Your 4ghz wish isn't going to mean anything against a Kenstfield in 2007. However, a Quad 4ghz would be sweet... but damn hot.
I mean weve been stuck on 2.x for ages. Whats the deal? A 4ghz quad would be frickin awesome. :confused:
They have given up on speed and are focussing on multiple processors instead. You will see speed increases but not as often. In the next few years you might see dozens of processors all with Quad or Octo cores instead of just dual core today. IMHO, I prefer additional processors over sheer GHZ anyday. Your 4ghz wish isn't going to mean anything against a Kenstfield in 2007. However, a Quad 4ghz would be sweet... but damn hot.
Apr 19, 08:58 AM
I agree. Sometimes I think this kind of lawsuits are a stretch and a bit silly, but not this time. When there's confusion even to me as a geek after a quick glance on these smarthpones, I have to agree that it's gone too far.
For me all phone look relatively the same at a glace so I always look at the buttons first.
1 button - Apple
4 buttons - Android
3 button - Windows Phone
Then I look for a logo to differentiate further.
For me all phone look relatively the same at a glace so I always look at the buttons first.
1 button - Apple
4 buttons - Android
3 button - Windows Phone
Then I look for a logo to differentiate further.
Sep 10, 08:34 AM
I mean people are saying that Conroe is too hot for the iMac as it is (I don't think they are) but Kentsfield is two Conroe dies on one package. Meaning almost double the power consumption and heat generation.
The thermal requirements for Yonah and Merom are 35W. Conroe is 65W. The old G5 at 2Ghz was 39W so roughly the same as Yonah/Merom although the power management wasn't as good with it not being a laptop chip.
The Core 2 Extreme version of Conroe has a 75W rating. Kentsfield is being introduced as a Core 2 Extreme chip first so I'd guess it also has a 75W rating.
Chances of seeing a Conroe Quad in an iMac - non-existent.
The thermal requirements for Yonah and Merom are 35W. Conroe is 65W. The old G5 at 2Ghz was 39W so roughly the same as Yonah/Merom although the power management wasn't as good with it not being a laptop chip.
The Core 2 Extreme version of Conroe has a 75W rating. Kentsfield is being introduced as a Core 2 Extreme chip first so I'd guess it also has a 75W rating.
Chances of seeing a Conroe Quad in an iMac - non-existent.
Apr 19, 10:09 AM
Why can't Apple tell its own phones apart?
This is a 3G.
This is the 3GS.
How they confused the two in a legal battle is beyond me. If it's all about looks, surely getting the interface of the 3GS is somewhat important. No?
This is a 3G.
This is the 3GS.
How they confused the two in a legal battle is beyond me. If it's all about looks, surely getting the interface of the 3GS is somewhat important. No?