On April 12, 2010, CNN reported that Warren's was among additional names being considered as Supreme Court nominees to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens.[5][6] On May 24, 2010, Time Magazine called Warren, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman Sheila Bair, and Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Mary Schapiro the "New Sheriffs of Wall Street" in a cover story.[7] On September 17, 2010, she was named a special adviser by President Obama to oversee the development of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Her position will include the responsibility of recommending a director for this new entity, although it is unclear whether Warren herself will be considered for the position.[8]
Personal life
She joined Harvard Law School in 1992 as the Robert Braucher Visiting Professor of Commercial Law. Prior to Harvard, she was the William A. Schnader Professor of Commercial Law at University of Pennsylvania School of Law and also taught at the University of Texas School of Law, University of Houston Law Center, University of Michigan and Rutgers Law School.
From 2005-2008, Warren and her law students wrote a blog called Warren Reports, part of Josh Marshall's TPMCafe.
Warren appeared in the documentary film Maxed Out in 2006, has appeared several times on Dr. Phil to talk about money and families, has been a guest on The Daily Show,[12] is interviewed frequently on cable news networks,[13] appears in Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story, has appeared on the Charlie Rose talk show[14], and has appeared on the Real Time With Bill Maher talk show[15].
Warren is a member of the FDIC's Committee on Economic Inclusion and the Executive Council of the National Bankruptcy Conference. She is the former Vice-President of the American Law Institute and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She served as the Chief Adviser to the National Bankruptcy Review Commission.
Warren is married to Bruce Mann, a legal historian and law professor also at Harvard Law School. She has a daughter, Amelia Warren Tyagi, with whom she has coauthored two books and several articles, and a son, Alexander Warren. She is an ex-Sunday School teacher and cites Methodist John Wesley as an inspiration.[3]
Popular works

Warren is also the co-author (with Tyagi) of The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke (Basic, 2003) (ISBN 978-0-465-09090-7). Warren and Tyagi point out that a fully employed worker today earns less inflation-adjusted income than a fully employed worker did 30 years ago. To increase their income, families have sent a second parent into the workforce. Although families spend less today on clothing, appliances, and other consumption, the costs of core expenses like mortgages, health care, transportation, child care, and taxes have increased dramatically. The result is that, even with two income earners, families no longer save and have incurred greater and greater debt.

“ | The upshot is that two-income families often have even less income left over today than did an equivalent single-income family 30 years ago, even when they make almost twice as much. And they go deeper in debt. The authors find that it is not the free-spending young or the incapacitated elderly who are declaring bankruptcy so much as families with children. ... their main thesis is undeniable. Typical families often cannot afford the high-quality education, health care and neighborhoods required to be middle class today. More clearly than anyone else, I think, Ms. Warren and Ms. Tyagi have shown how little attention the nation and our government have paid to the way Americans really live.[16] | ” |
“ | For families looking for ways to cope, Warren and Tyagi mainly offer palliatives: Buy a cheaper house. Squirrel away a six-month cash cushion. Yeah, right. But they also know that there are no easy solutions. Readers who are already committed to a house and parenthood will find little to mitigate the deflating sense that they have nowhere to go but down.[17] | ” |
TARP oversight

The Panel's monthly reports under Warren's leadership covered foreclosure mitigation, consumer and small business lending, commercial real estate, AIG, bank stress tests, the impact of TARP on the financial markets, government guarantees, the automotive industry, and many other topics. The Panel has also released special reports on financial regulatory reform and farm loans. For each report, Warren released a video on the Congressional Oversight Panel's website explaining key findings. All reports and videos are available at cop.senate.gov.
In her role as Chair of the Panel, Warren testified many times before House and Senate committees on financial issues.[25]
In an interview at Newsweek, December 7, 2009 entitled "Reining in, and Reigning Over, Wall Street" Elizabeth Warren was asked: "Congress is trying to reform financial regulation, and it can get a little abstract. Where should people focus?"
She responded:
- To restore some basic sanity to the financial system, we need two central changes: fix broken consumer-credit markets and end guarantees for the big players that threaten our entire economic system. If we get those two key parts right, we can still dial the rest of the regulation up and down as needed. But if we don't get those two right, I think the game is over. I hate to sound alarmist, but that's how I feel about this.
Public Service After TARP


In December 2009, the Boston Globe named Warren the Bostonian of the Year.[32]
The National Law Journal has repeatedly named Professor Warren as one of the fifty most influential female lawyers,[33] and she has been recognized for her work by SmartMoney magazine, Money magazine, and Law Dragon.[citation needed]
In 2009, the Women's Bar Association of Massachusetts honored her with the Leila J. Robinson Award.
Warren has been recognized for her dynamic teaching style. In 2009, Warren became the first professor in Harvard's history to win the law school's teaching award twice. The Sacks-Freund Teaching Award was voted on by the graduating class in honor of "her teaching ability, openness to student concerns, and contributions to student life at Harvard." Warren also has won awards from her students at the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Michigan, and the University of Houston Law Center.
On August 13, 2010 a rap video by the Main Street Brigade was put on YouTube in an effort to encourage President Obama to nominate Elizabeth Warren as the first director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.[34]
- Articles
- 'Bankruptcy Policy' (1987) 54(3) The University of Chicago Law Review 775-814
- 'The Untenable Case for Repeal of Chapter 11' (1992) 102(2) The Yale Law Journal 437-479 73
- 'Bankruptcy Policymaking in an Imperfect World (1993) 92(2) Michigan Law Review 336-387
- 'The Bankruptcy Crisis' (1997–1998) 73 Indiana Law Journal 1079
- 'Principled Approach to Consumer Bankruptcy' (1997) 71 American Bankruptcy Law Journal 483
- 'Financial Characteristics of Businesses in Bankruptcy' (1999) Am. Bankr. L.J. 499 (with JL Westbrook)
- 'Illness and Injury as Contributors to Bankruptcy' (2005) SSRN (with DU Himmelstein, D Thorne and SJ Woolhandler)
- 'The Success of Chapter 11: A Challenge to the Critics' (2009) 107 Michigan Law Review 603 (with JL Westbrook)
- 'Medical Bankruptcy in the United States, 2007: Results of a National Study,' (2008) American Journal of Medicine (with DU Himmelstein, D Thorne and SJ Woolhandler)
- Books
- Warren, Elizabeth; Westbrook, Jay Lawrence (2008). The Law of Debtors and Creditors: Text, Cases, and Problems (6th ed.). Aspen Publishers. ISBN 978-0-7355-7626-1.
- Warren, Elizabeth (2008). Chapter 11: Reorganizing American Businesses (Essentials). Aspen Publishers. ISBN 978-0-7355-7654-4.
- Lopucki, Lynn; Warren, Elizabeth (2008). Chapter 11: Secured Credit: A Systems Approach. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. ISBN 978-735576490.
- Warren, Elizabeth (2007). "The Vanishing Middle Class". In Edwards, John. Ending Poverty in America: How to Restore the American Dream. The New Press. ISBN 978-1-59558-176-1.
- Lopucki, Lynn; Warren, Elizabeth; Keating, Daniel; Mann, Ronald; Goldenberg, Norman (2006). Casenote Legal Briefs: Commercial Law. Aspen Publishers. ISBN 978-0735558274.
- Warren, Elizabeth; Tyagi, Amelia Warren (2006). All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-0-7432-6988-9.
- Warren, Elizabeth; Tyagi, Amelia Warren (2004). The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Parents are Going Broke. Basic Books. ISBN 978-0-465-09090-7.
- Sullivan, Teresa A.; Warren, Elizabeth; Westbrook, Jay (2001). The Fragile Middle Class: Americans in Debt. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-09171-7.
- Sullivan, Teresa A.; Warren, Elizabeth; Westbrook, Jay (1999). As We Forgive Our Debtors: Bankruptcy and Consumer Credit in America. Beard Books. ISBN 978-1-893122-15-4.